Fruit box bouquet is the best thoughtful and healthy gift for just about any occasions. Fruit box bouquet is crafted for birthdays, housewarming, celebrations, thank you, business gifts and wellness wishing or get well soon. There is never a wrong time to send fruit box bouquet in Malaysia. FruitoGift fruit box bouquet are the perfect way to show how much you care.

Popular fruit hamper delivery location


Fruit Box Bouquet Deliver to Brighten the Day

Bright, colorful and fresh fruit box bouquet make a thoughtful gift for any type of occasion. Our fruit box bouquet is high quality fresh fruit gifts crafted to cheer, love and care. Order FruitoGift fruit box bouquet whenever you’re sending fruit gift to family, friends or corporate in Malaysia. You can find freshest and tempting fruit gift in box for all your gifting needs.

Fruit Box Bouquet Delivery on Same day

We deliver fruit box bouquet and fruit hampers on the same day for orders placed before 11AM in Klang Valley areas. Any orders of fruit hampers deliver to hospital required full name and bed numbers of the patient.